Monday 7 May 2012

Green fingered grooviness

It's that time of year again, perhaps a little later than normal due to the persistent rain, where the air feels warmer, more and more flowers are popping up and I start to think about growing veg. Then I realise that I am about 6 months too late. Same thing every year, one day the penny will drop and I'll actually plan in advance. Although this will probably coincide with pigs sprouting wings. Nevertheless I usually still manage to grow crops of a few basic vegetables whilst promising that next year I will try harder. And it's true, nothing tastes as great as something you've grown yourself.

If you're an organised veg growing type then please share your green fingered wisdom. If you're keen but rubbish like me then the Internet may hold the answer...

The smart gardener is a brilliant site where you can plan your vegetable growing. It will suggest plant varieties based on your needs and has a tool for visualising your veg patch. The site will even create a calendar for you and email you 'to do' reminders. Perfect for the novice/lazy/forgetful gardeners out there.

The gardener's world website provides tutorials on essential techniques from how to pot on to how to prune mature trees. As well as a user rated plant species database.

If your type of gardening is more theoretical than practical then you can get your fill of foxgloves and French beans with the gardener's question time episodes and podcasts.

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